Elections 2023 Nuggets

Why you must vote your Concience.

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* There is the Golden Rule ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
* Conscience is an open wound, only truth can heal it… Usman Dan fodio.
* Remember, voting is your Civic duty. It is an important responsibility. If you do not vote, then do not complain.
* The Rotary Club’s 4 way test is an absolute during this election period. Ask yourself, in your voting.
– is it the truth?
– Is it fair to all concerned?
– Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
– Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
We must all stand up and be counted.
* We must all come out to Vote if eligible.
Shun ethnicity.
Shun Stomach Infrastructure.
Shun the violence.
Shun the rigging.
Remember, Democracy is for all of us.
Embrace Democracy
Reject Authoritarianism
Reject Imposition
Accept Change
Don’t sell your Vote
Don’t sell your Concience.
For Election Umpires, be apolitical.
For Party members, be loyal but be wise.
Youths be wise, ladies be honourable.
For the Generality of Nigerians, don’t be ruthless to your neighbour because of one Political Boss you can access now because it is election period and will not answer you till another 4 years.
Give peace a chance.
Why not vote wisely!

Dr U. Gideon Obibi.

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