The triad of Ethnicity, Religion and Poverty and the 2023 Elecrions.

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By Dr U. Gideon Obibi.

The weaponisation of these three entities have become a part of the bane of the 2023 Political Landscape in Nigeria.
Interestingly, these have come to the fore again and again mostly in Election season and in various category of appointments. Friends become foes., colleagues become antagonistic of one another. Erstwhile friendly communities and associations resent one another.
Debates have become less issue based, higher on ethnicity, higher on religious grounds and flamboyantly expressed to the poor as “we are one of you”.
Can political actors be more Civil. Can they be more demomocratic Can they be more maliable.
Of course they all should.
Citizens, it begins with you and me before any politician or government official.
Should ethnicity increase or reduce our ability to lead or govern? Should people not develop themselves? What has our religion got to do with leadership except to enhance it.
Will a morsel of bread satisfy you more than a day? Let us now develop a mid range to long term consciousness for our Societal development.
We should rise up from within us, to say this trend must Change. Its is an ill wind that blows no good.
Youths, market women, mothers, fathers, civil societies, do not accept this tripartite mantra of Ethnicity, Religion and Poverty hoist on our faces. Let us be more patriotic in your dealings with one another. There are two sides of a coin.
Joseph de Maistre once said — ‘Every country has the government it deserves.
Leaders should shun Executive rascality in our polity. Allow people to have some more freedom in deciding how to behave and think.. Allow for the rule of law.
Don’t use violence to stop other citizens aspirations or affiliations. Use your offices to stop the violence, threats, kidnappings of perceive enemies. We have one nation, though tribe and tongue may differ in brotherhood we stand.
As the Elections proceeds, let us all follow the New Electoral laws and guidelines. It is not a do or die affair. Like our ex-president Jonathan says, nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any citizen of Nigeria .
Allow for a more successful elections. Let the Electoral umpire always stay apolitical and true to their concience.
We can become a more developed economy, we can truly rise up as the giant of Africa.
The Great Awolowo said, A Day is coming when Nigerian masses from the North and South, Christians, Muslims and Animist will stand as a force of progress and unity to kick against rigging ,corruption and tyranny.
Citizens, Vote your conscience, vote performance, vote integrity, not religion, not ethnicity, not Poverty because Nigerian Citizens are the architect of the future of a blissful Nigeria.
Dr U Gideon Obibi is Medical Doctor and Social commentator writes from Yenagoa

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